Quote of The Moment

"The harder I train, the luckier I get" - Unknown

Monday, 20 October 2014

SWIFTS Acro Comp, October 2014


So… *click, click, slap, hit, knock, knock, clap*… HOW MANY ELEPHANTS?

That is a joke lost on many of you, apart from those that were on the return journey of the competition, making it possibly THE BEST COACH RIDE EVER!!!

What a great competition. We were back in the south east – this time at SWIFTS Gymnastics Club, for their annual Acrobatics competition. This competition is always mixed, in terms of ability, with most categories having a handful of skilled partnerships whom would shine at any competition.

The morning kicked off with our first ever elite acrobatics routine – our “11-16” women’s groups balance routine.  Although the routines had promising artistry, the execution was slightly disappointing, with some major errors which were heavily penalized by judges. They knew they would have to do better in their second routines of the day.

This was followed by our Grade 3’s – MxP, MP  and  Grade 4 WP.  Our MP and WP had their first competition together, and they did themselves proud, especially our pair of Layla & Tara, whom received the 2nd highest artistry score and third highest technical score of their category… which would have given them the bronze medals… if it hadn’t been for silly rulings on lengths of attire!  Our MxP surpassed their competition once again to be crowned with a second GOLD medal!!! Great job!!

Just before the afternoon break, the 11-16 trios finished with their dynamic routines. They really stepped up their performance compared to their first routine and came away with artistry scores within the top 3 of the whole competition – out of 143 partnerships!!! Sadie, Sophie and Hannah did well to take the BRONZE medal, but Alix, Cassy and Olivia just tipped the scales to take the SILVER medal… well done girls!!!

The afternoon saw our Grade 3 WG’s and Grade 3 WP competing. The groups had competed for the first time at the weekend, and they showed good routines with some minor errors, easily ironed out in training hopefully! Leah, Ashira, and Chloe managed to receive the second highest artistry score of their category – well done to them! Our G3 WP of Olivia & Eden did extremely well considering they competed 12hours after waking up! They came away with the second highest artistry score of their category, as well as a well improved technical score!

But seriously… that coach journey caused some moments of turmoil in my breathing pattern.  I haven’t laughed like that for ages. Possibly the funniest squad EVER!!

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