Massive congratulations to the gymnasts who attended the TJ Gymnastics Tumbling Invitational in Boston this weekend! As far as percentages are concerned, this was the first competition where we have receive 100% medal status... every single gymnast walked away with a medal - a truly immense result!
Ali Keles - Nat Grade 3 - GOLD
Sophie 'Sofa' Boehler - Nat Grade 2 - GOLD
Jasmine 'Jazzy' Hallam - Nat Grade 1 - GOLD
Esme Wilson - Nat Grade 1 - GOLD
Yvonne 'Valdez' Vasquez - Nat Grade 2 - SILVER
Ashira Sears - Nat Grade 2 - SILVER
Daisy Margolis - Nat Grade 1 - SILVER
Layla Sklar - Nat Grade 2 - BRONZE
Highest Score of all National Grades - ALI KELES - GOLD
2nd Highest Score of all National Grades - SOPHIE BOEHLER - SILVER
Great weekend.. well done to all!