Quote of The Moment

"The harder I train, the luckier I get" - Unknown

Monday, 24 October 2011

Regional Floor & Vault Results (Nov 2011)

Well done to all that attended and competed this weekend at the Floor & Vault competition in Goresbrook!

A general summary of the medals and PINs shown below:

NADIA BLACKSHAW - Gold Medal + PIN (at Silver level)
AASHNI PATEL - Gold Medal + PIN (at Silver level)
OLIVIA LAKE - Gold Medal  (at Bronze level)
LOIS TAYLOR - Gold Medal + PIN (at White level)
CASSANDRA CHAN -  Silver Medal + PIN (at Bronze level)
EINAV GRUSHKA -  Bronze Medal  (at Bronze level)
DENISE WANG -  Bronze Medal + PIN (at Bronze level)
TON BLACKSHAW -  Bronze Medal + PIN (at Bronze level)
PHOEBE NELSON - PIN (at Blue Level)
ELLE PHILIPS - PIN (at Blue Level)
ELLA HYMAN - PIN (at Blue Level)

All in all, we have 4 golds, 1 silver, 3 bronzes, and 9 PINs over the 11 gymnasts above. Well done!

Monday, 4 July 2011

Hendon Display Videos

'All of The Lights' - (London Festival Oct 2011)

'TRON' - (Leadership Academy Festival Jan 2011)

'ARRIVAL' - (London Festival of Gymnastics Oct 2010)

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Display Squad Leotard

All Female Gymnasts in the Display Squads should possess the following leotard. If you have recently joined, please purchase this from Astar Leotards, as per the link below:

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Well, welcome all to the new Hendon Gymnastics Display Squad (DS) blog. As you can see, we have uploaded some of the individual routines. These will be updated as and when there are new competitions / displays.

The events schedule shall be a permanent feature on the left also. Look there for updates on changes to any events information. We shall post this all on the left hand side.

All other information, interesting links, things you may suggest us to post, will form the main body of the blog.
